Level Headed Hats
The origin of this website began with a drawing by Jeff Douglass called The Level Headed Hat. This drawing illustrates the use of a bubble level that is attached to a baseball cap, providing a clarity of vision to any builder who wears it. This drawing was originally posted to The Samsung Phone Stylus Project and can be seen there along with other drawings at jeffdouglassart.com.
” The Level Headed Hat drawing was initially inspired as a play on words, referencing the common phrase levelheaded. Combining the hat and bubble level is a concept I have had over the years, likely influenced by my work as a builder using a level while also wearing a ball cap. I recently decided to illustrate this concept, and after posting the drawing on the Samsung Phone Stylus Project , I began to look online for other examples of level hats. I then became aware of the significant variety of hats with bubble levels, some going back decades, all making a similar visual association with the phrase levelheaded. It occurs to me that perhaps these bubble level hats are like a talisman, inviting good fortune while guided by the benefits that come from a resilient and balanced outlook, and for the wearer it becomes both a proclamation and bears a responsibility to uphold the statement it proclaims.” – Jeff Douglass